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Cullen Nutrition Simplified - 3 Things My Client Changed to Start Having More Mid-Afternoon Energy

Are you struggling with energy crashes or unsure about having a balanced meal?

Let me share three key changes my client made that made a big difference:

-Carbohydrates (CHO): My client switched to slow-releasing, high-fibre options instead of processed carbs that spike sugar levels quickly.

-Vegetables: They increased their vegetable intake to fill half the plate. This helps to boost their intake of vitamins, minerals, and other vital nutrients, all while providing essential fibre.

-Protein: They consistently included adequate protein at each meal to support overall health.

The result? Stabilized blood sugars, less sugar craving and feeling more balance which allowed my client to stay focused on their goals!

If you’re seeking guidance on balancing your meals for sustained energy, click the link in my bio to apply to work with me. Let’s unlock your potential together!

Contact Tanya Cullen

Cullen Nutrition Simplified
Tanya Cullen
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