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Youngsters bring joy to seniors through their singing band 13+

Burlington song group lights up the lives of seniors across the area

A group of young musicians from Glad Tidings Church has been making others glad all summer long.

Instead of taking a break after school got out in June, the band aptly named 13 Plus, got busy learning new music, and touring different long-term care residences to sing and entertain with their musical group.

The idea was completely their own, explained adult organizer, instructor and MC Reshmi Samuel.

“This summer a group of kids from the church decided that instead of being on their screens or having too much fun, they would rather do something special for our seniors,” explained Samuel. “They formed a little band and have been going around to various long term care homes in Hamilton and Burlington and playing music and singing bringing much joy to the beloved seniors in our community.”

Indeed, they did just that in late August when they visited Park Avenue Manor for their grand finale concert. Doing an impressive job of singing and playing a variety of musical instruments, they entertained the seniors with well-loved hymns such as Amazing Grace and I’ve Got the Joy, Joy Joy. (see video below)

They sang, clapped and moved along to nearly every performance, and there were smiles around the room as they clearly loved the afternoon concert.

“The one thing we hear them ask over and over is "Are you coming back to perform for us?" said Samuel.

13 Plus has performed at 12 long term/retirement care homes in Hamilton and Burlington. Band members include: Daniel Samuel, piano, Theadora Wahn, vocals, Millie Zhang, cello, Shaan Patel, vocals, Daniel Zhang, drums, Asher Wahn, shaker, Elijah Samuel, guitar and Bella and Leo Martinez (absent at the final concert).

Samuel said they are raising money for at-risk kids in Central America who currently live off a garbage dump.

The children were especially excited at this final performance as they had a surprise sent from Mayor Marianne Meed Ward: a message and city pins for everyone to wear.


On Piano was Daniel Samuel (below)



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