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First Animal Services Summer Social event to be held at Burlington Animal Shelter

The City of Burlington invites residents to explore the facility, meet some of the animals and have fun with the games and prizes
Grab an ice cream treat at the event.

The City of Burlington will be hosting the first Animal Services Summer Social at the Burlington Animal Shelter on Saturday, July 6.

The free event runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will have ice cream, games, prizes, a tour of the shelter and a meet and greet with some of the animals currently up for adoption.

“We’re excited to host our very first Animal Services Summer Social,” Adam Palmieri, manager of by-law enforcement and animal services with the city, said. “This event is a great family-friendly opportunity to have fun and learn more about the roles and responsibilities of Animal Services. It’s also an opportunity for the community to learn more about the ways they can make a difference in the community – including by getting pets microchipped, licensing dogs, and learning more about wildlife-proofing their property.”

The Burlington Animal Shelter will also be putting on a birds of prey demonstration, if the weather permits.

The shelter isn’t charging attendees for the event, but donations would be appreciated through the City of Burlington’s Promoting Animal Welfare (PAW) fund.

The Burlington Animal Shelter takes in more than 450 stray and surrendered pets per year and arranges the adoptions of more than 140 animals annually.

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Calum O'Malley

About the Author: Calum O'Malley

Calum O’Malley was born and raised in Burlington and became a full-time reporter in 2024
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